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3 min read

Theo Von & Dr. Pooler Talk Ketamine Therapy: A New Mental Health Tool

By Neuromend Team on Jul 22, 2021 7:57:24 AM

Episode 341: ketamine therapy

Theo Von invites Dr. Jason Pooler, founder and medical director of the Chattanooga Ketamine Center, to provide his insights between Ketamine Therapy and depression. 

Topics: ketamine infusion therapy for depression Ketamine Depression
5 min read

Ketamine vs ECT: Which Is Best For Resistant Depression

By Neuromend Team on Jul 28, 2020 4:04:25 PM

For years, when many physicians or patients hear about or experience treatment resistant depression, they have been conditioned to think about resorting to Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT).

Read on to discover the differences and benefits of ECT and Ketamine infusions as they pertain to improving or curing treatment resistant depression.

Topics: treatment resistant depression ketamine infusion therapy for depression
4 min read

NeuroMend Is Now REMS Certified for Offering Spravato Esketamine

By Neuromend Team on May 15, 2020 3:04:38 PM

*Disclaimer: As of September 29, 2023, NeuroMend no longer offers Spravato treatments. We apologize for any inconvenience and encourage you to consult with our team or your healthcare provider for alternative options.

We have been working hard at getting back to our customers during this harsh COVID-19 season. And we are excited to be opening our clinic back up with a brand new treatment offering!

Keep reading to discover the latest news around Neuromend's REMS Spravato certification!

Topics: ketamine infusion therapy for depression Spravato esketamine
6 min read

Ketamine Kicks Alcohol Cravings by Disrupting Associative Memories

By Neuromend Team on Jan 16, 2020 11:12:47 AM

While Intravenous Ketamine takes the lead in PTSD and depression treatment, recent research indicates IV Ketamine also treats addiction.

Specifically, alcohol consumption. Indeed, in one study using Intravenous Ketamine, alcohol consumption was reduced for a minimum of nine months! 

Topics: ketamine infusion therapy for depression
4 min read

Doctors Are Helping More Patients By Adding Ketamine To Their Clinic

By Neuromend Team on Nov 20, 2019 11:15:02 AM

Aside from our own patients' feedback about how much better they are feeling after IV Ketamine Therapy, we are always excited to get feedback from clinics that we have consulted in starting to offer Ketamine inside their own clinics or as a start-up.

And this successful testimony is no different.

Topics: Insider ketamine infusion therapy for depression
5 min read

Navigating Your Ketamine Infusion Journey: Creating a Treatment Plan

By Neuromend Team on Aug 23, 2019 9:01:56 AM

At the onset of your Ketamine journey, a quintessential question emerges: 

“What is the perfect Ketamine-infusion timeline?”  How should you approach maintenance Ketamine Infusions?

Topics: Insider ketamine infusion therapy for depression
1 min read

How Neuromend Is Helping PTSD And Depression In First Responders

By Neuromend Team on Aug 12, 2019 11:56:05 AM

Neuromend's own, Allen Green, recently sat down with KADN to discuss how his clinic is helping to treat PTSD and depression which is a common struggle for many first responders.  

Topics: ketamine infusion therapy for depression PTSD
4 min read

Party Drug vs. Medical Success: Bridging the Ketamine Gap

By Neuromend Team on Aug 9, 2019 10:35:59 AM

With the new millennium emerged a new party drug, K, previously known as Ketamine. K’s popularity exploded.  And, spread like wildfire. 

Topics: treatment resistant depression ketamine infusion therapy for depression
7 min read

Baton Rouge Sufferer Finds Depression Relief With Ketamine

By Neuromend Team on Apr 12, 2019 6:24:47 PM

Below is the story of Michael, a NeuroMend patient, whose life was changed drastically after he began ketamine infusions to treat his treatment-resistant depression. Below is his powerful testimonial; a story worth retelling for depression sufferers everywhere−to let you know that there is hope. 


“Last week I completed my sixth ketamine infusion at Neuromend Infusion Therapy in Lafayette, La.  I have been struggling with depression off and on my entire life.  The 7th grade was the first time I remember feeling uncomfortable, on the outside and not a "part of".  I also experienced horrible stomach aches almost daily.  The doctors never found anything wrong with me physically so they chalked it up as stress. I was athletic, had plenty friends, and lacked nothing as a child.  There was no cause that I could see. It would get better for a couple years then I would relapse into another depression.  This happened in 7th grade, 10th grade, then again as a freshman in college and would continue for my entire life. In high school I started self-medicating with alcohol and other drugs.  Until that in itself became problematic.

Topics: treatment resistant depression ketamine infusion therapy for depression
5 min read

How Setting SMART Goals for the New Year Can Aid Depression Treatment

By Neuromend Team on Jan 8, 2019 10:05:52 AM

New year. New me.

Every January, motivation hits and we become determined that this is the year we will make major improvements in our lives. We sit down with a pen and paper and list all the things that we plan to change in the upcoming year. For those struggling with depression, finding the motivation to make improvements for the new year can seem daunting. When each day is a struggle to get out of bed, how can one even begin to contemplate gathering the motivation to make life-altering changes.

The research suggests otherwise.

Topics: treatment resistant depression ketamine infusion therapy for depression
10 min read
Ketamine: A More Comfortable Alternative to Spinal Stimulators

Ketamine infusion therapy, in addition to helping with depression, is becoming a more common treatment for chronic pain, as it is seen as a more...

9 min read
How To Get Ketamine Infusions Covered by Insurance

Are you considering ketamine infusions for mental health treatment or maybe you have already reaped the positive effects from them, but concerned...

8 min read
Is Ketamine Treatment Covered By Health Insurance?

With many patients hearing about the success that Ketamine (through both IV treatments or assisted psychotherapy) is having on Treatment Resistant...

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How Ketamine Relieves Depression | Neuromend Infusion Center