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6 min read

Exploring Ketamine IV Therapy for Depression: The Bio-K Case Study

By Neuromend Team on Jun 17, 2024 8:03:30 AM

Depression stands as a formidable adversary, affecting millions of lives worldwide. Despite strides in treatment, conventional approaches often fail to provide relief for individuals grappling with treatment-resistant depression. However, amidst this challenge, a ray of hope emerges in the form of ketamine IV therapy.

Topics: mental health Ketamine Depression
3 min read

Theo Von & Dr. Pooler Talk Ketamine Therapy: A New Mental Health Tool

By Neuromend Team on Jul 22, 2021 7:57:24 AM

Episode 341: ketamine therapy

Theo Von invites Dr. Jason Pooler, founder and medical director of the Chattanooga Ketamine Center, to provide his insights between Ketamine Therapy and depression. 

Topics: ketamine infusion therapy for depression Ketamine Depression
3 min read

Newsflash: The News Won't Help Your Depression.

By Neuromend Team on Nov 6, 2017 2:51:40 PM

Did You Hear What Happened to Those People in Ohio!?
Lucky us. We have access to 24-hour news reports on our TVs, computers, phones, & whatever devices we use, no matter where on the map we are. We can tap into the most current, up-to-the-minute details on whatever mass shooting, global crisis, North Korean threat, or Presidential drama happened. ANY. TIME. WE. WANT. There is no lull in the traffic, no respite from the media's focus on negative, violent news. Well, wait – I did read that Justin and Selena may be back together ...whew  
Topics: Depression
3 min read

Depression, Anxiety & Guilt: When You Feel Bad for Feeling So Bad

By Neuromend Team on Sep 21, 2017 4:46:27 PM

The Guilt


Feelings of guilt often accompany major depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. That you are having difficulty functioning on a very basic level, while knowing that you “don’t have it that bad” (or, that’s what your *insert family member* is telling you) has you feeling even worse. Your family and friends may not understand what you're going through, and from their perspective, have trouble grasping why you can’t just pick your head up and work through this. You tell yourself, ‘I'm not DYING, for God’s sake…,’ but it doesn’t help a thing. 

Topics: Anxiety Depression
3 min read

Shifting the Focus: In Serving Others, We Can Help Ourselves

By Neuromend Team on Sep 13, 2017 2:20:10 PM

When You're Stuck in Your Head

“You know, depression is sort of a selfish feeling,” someone told me last week. “I just sit there, thinking only about myself and my life.” So, when she is able, she volunteers with a local hospice. On the days she volunteers, her depression is not as bad.

Topics: Depression
3 min read

Yoga Therapy: The Application of Yoga to Treat Depression & More

By Neuromend Team on Aug 7, 2017 8:26:57 AM

Laughing Until We Couldn't...or Could...Breathe

In 2010, following my father’s cancer diagnosis, I accompanied him to MD Anderson for one of his two-day appointments. Interested in the ancillary services they offer to patients and their families, I looked at the Integrative Medicine department’s events calendar when we arrived. Ten o’clock a.m.: Laughing Yoga. How could we pass that up!? My dad reluctantly agreed to participate.

Topics: mental health Depression
3 min read

Substance Abuse and Depression: A Lethal Combination

By Neuromend Team on May 24, 2017 5:00:00 AM

Depression, Substance Abuse & Suicide

On Wednesday, May 17, 2017, the day the world lost talented musician Chris Cornell to suicide, the National Institutes of Health issued a news release:Study finds tens of millions of Americans drink alcohol at dangerously high levels”.  Researchers from the NIAAA Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research analyzed data from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC), a national survey conducted in 2001-2002 and 2012-2013. The surveys examined subjects' alcohol use within the previous year, and its co-occurrence with drug use and psychiatric conditions. The results of the survey? Adults in America are engaging in extreme binge drinking now more than they were ten years prior. 

Topics: Depression
6 min read

Ketamine Infusion Therapy: The Infusion Experience

By Neuromend Team on May 15, 2017 5:41:30 PM

When you hear the word ‘infusion,’ what comes to mind? A hospital gown? Needles? Doctors and nurses hovering over you in a cold hospital room? Sometimes your associations with certain words can deter you altogether from considering new experiences – especially if those associations elicit fear. 

Topics: ketamine infusion therapy for depression Depression
3 min read

Aummm: The Power of Yoga in Treating Depression

By Neuromend Team on May 8, 2017 6:02:41 PM


What is it about practicing yoga that leaves you feeling relaxed, at peace, and just better? Or, less angry? Less sad? Was it because you were physically separated from your phone for more than 30 minutes during waking hours? Or, that you gave yourself permission to let go of that thing, that person, or that fear you hold onto for dear life, for an hour? Was it the simple act of moving your body while also breathing that left you feeling that good?

Topics: Depression
2 min read

Depression: The White Elephant in the...World

By Neuromend Team on Apr 26, 2017 5:45:00 AM

This year, the World Health Organization launched a global campaign on depression, called “Depression: let’s talk”. According to the WHO website, “The goal of the campaign is that more people with depression, everywhere in the world, both seek and get help.

Topics: Depression
10 min read
Ketamine: A More Comfortable Alternative to Spinal Stimulators

Ketamine infusion therapy, in addition to helping with depression, is becoming a more common treatment for chronic pain, as it is seen as a more...

9 min read
How To Get Ketamine Infusions Covered by Insurance

Are you considering ketamine infusions for mental health treatment or maybe you have already reaped the positive effects from them, but concerned...

6 min read
Can Anti-Depressants Worsen Nutrient Depletion?

Could it be possible that your medication is causing or worsening the depletion of vital nutrients and vitamins as your body metabolizes it? Do you...

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