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Doctors Are Helping More Patients By Adding Ketamine To Their Clinic

Nov 20, 2019 11:15:02 AM

Ketamine Clinic Consulting Testimonial Neuromend

Aside from our own patients' feedback about how much better they are feeling after IV Ketamine Therapy, we are always excited to get feedback from clinics that we have consulted in starting to offer Ketamine inside their own clinics or as a start-up.

And this successful testimony is no different.

We often keep in close communication with our consulting clients after providing them with our Ketamine Clinic Starter Kit.

But this particular client felt the need to reach out on their own given how quickly they are seeing the return on their clinic's success and patient satisfaction.

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Testimonial From A Happy Client

I am excited to tell you that I have completed my first ketamine series

Our client mentions how she completed her first Ketamine series

"I am excited to tell you that I have completed my first ketamine series on my first patient and have just started a series on another.  The month of October will be the first month that I will financially be in the black.  Yeah!  

As per your suggestion, I have been traveling all over the region to any psychiatric clinic and/or provider that would listen during an educational "ketamine" lunch talk. 

The Psychiatric DNP's are definitely most receptive with the LCSW's, a close second. 

They ask really good, and frequently tough, questions which has been extremely good for me..."

I'm so surprised at how little is known about ketamine, it's usage and benefits.

She also mentions how she is surprised from the lack of knowledge in talk with other clinicians. See how our friends at Senderra improve patient outcomes and saves you time.

"As I've talked with the various clinicians, I'm so surprised at how little is known about ketamine, it's usage and benefits.  Being able to educate them on this has been a very rewarding experience.

 I hope to become well known in the psychiatric community as a reliable and respectable ketamine clinic.  "

I will become well known in the psychiatric community as a reliable and respectable Ketamine clinic.  

"I decided to fulfill the needs of education, communication, and follow-up w/ referrals in order to become well known in the psychiatric community as a reliable and respectable ketamine clinic..   

I know we discussed the pain doctor that is directly next door to me and how he may see me as being in "competition" with him.  Shortly after we discussed this, he and I were exiting our offices one late evening.  I politely waved and kept walking (I had somewhere to be.) 

He literally chased me down the hall and stopped the elevator I was on to speak with me.  He said he loved ketamine and he thinks it's a great drug. 

He has patients that need it and he frankly doesn't have any time to do it in his office.  He'd like to refer them over to me, if I want. 

Of course, I accepted his offer and reciprocated the referral to his office if my clients need a pain MD. 

I have yet to see any referrals from him but I did take it as a good sign.  I do hope that he will send some in the near future."

Thanks again for all of the emails, phone calls, and 'hand-holding' during this entire process.

"Anyway, thanks again for all of the emails, phone calls, and 'hand-holding' during this entire process. 

I know I would've given up a long time ago if it hadn't been for you helping me to think outside the box like an entrepreneur and not a clinician."

What if I want to start Ketamine Infusions in my practice?

If you, or another clinician that you know of, is looking to start offering Ketamine in your clinic or as a new start up, click below.

Set up a call to discuss what we services and systems we have to offer to make sure you are compliant, effective for your patients, and profitable!

Leading Provider of Ketamine Treatments Free Consult | NeuroMend


Neuromend Team

Written by Neuromend Team

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