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6 min read

Why Ketamine Therapy Stands Out: Safety, Efficacy, and Unique Benefits

By Neuromend Team on Nov 13, 2024 4:32:49 PM

Ketamine therapy has increasingly become a promising option for individuals seeking effective mental health treatment, especially for conditions like treatment-resistant depression (TRD). Ketamine is one of the only anesthesia medications that does not suppress the body’s ability to protect its airway, suppress the respiratory system or cardiovascular system. Its potential benefits for individuals with kidney issues and minimal interactions with other medications make it an ideal option for many.

Topics: Insider treatment resistant depression ketamine infusion therapy for depression Ketamine
6 min read

Can Anti-Depressants Worsen Nutrient Depletion?

By Neuromend Team on Oct 22, 2024 9:00:00 AM

Could it be possible that your medication is causing or worsening the depletion of vital nutrients and vitamins as your body metabolizes it? Do you feel as though your symptoms have progressively gotten a bit worse after originally improving since first starting your anti-depressant medication?

Topics: Insider Antidepressants
6 min read

Is Ketamine Effective for Treatment-Resistant Depression?

By Neuromend Team on Jul 31, 2023 2:25:43 PM

For more information on the risks and benefits of ketamine, check out Andrew Huberman's latest podcast to learn more.

Treatment-resistant depression is a severe and debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Those with depression are roughly three times more likely than the general population to commit violent crimes. Traditional antidepressant medications and therapies may not always provide relief for these individuals, leading researchers and healthcare providers to explore alternative treatments. One such treatment that has gained attention is ketamine.

Topics: Insider treatment resistant depression ketamine infusion therapy for depression esketamine
8 min read

Is Ketamine Treatment Covered By Health Insurance?

By Neuromend Team on Mar 21, 2022 1:00:00 PM

With many patients hearing about the success that Ketamine (through both IV treatments or assisted psychotherapy) is having on Treatment Resistant Depression, suicidal ideations and PTSD, more of them are interested in knowing if their health insurance covers Ketamine treatments. Find out the answers to all your questions surrounding medication assistance, insurance reimbursement, and Ketamine treatments.

Topics: Insider treatment resistant depression ketamine infusion therapy for depression esketamine
7 min read

The Big Picture: Mental Health, Sleep and Hormones

By Neuromend Team on Jul 13, 2021 1:38:27 PM

What's the connection between sleep and mental health? Sleep deprivation can affect your mental health and psychological state. Those who battle mental health problems are more likely to have a sleep disorder such as insomnia.

Consequently, sleep issues are significantly common in people with depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.

Keep reading to find out the impact sleep has on your hormones and why you will want to stay ahead of this as you attempt to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle, including staying hydrated!

Topics: Insider Ketamine Infusion Center mental health Sleep
7 min read

Mental Loopholes: Earned Reward or Self-Sabotage

By Neuromend Team on Jun 29, 2021 12:49:17 PM

There is always this weird, counterintuitive conversation that occurs when you or someone you know achieves some level of health or dieting success, that involves “celebrating” that success with the same foods or drinks that you gave up in the first place to achieve the success…

Ironic… no?

Yet, it isn’t some level of deficiency or survival mechanism kicking in that is driving those desires and cravings. It is simply your brain doing what you have trained it to do (for most people) since you were younger: boost dopamine with feel good foods.

The depletion of willpower and the weight of decision fatigue eventually build up enough pressure for your brain to throw in the white towel and take a much needed KitKat break.

While some may call it “evolution”, others lean on the fact that our brains are only responding in the same manner that we have trained them to do over our lifespan.

Keep reading to discover how to break these loopholes and not keep spiraling into a sugar coma after hard, stressful days throughout the week or weekend.

Topics: Insider mental health
8 min read

Boost Low Energy & Clear Brain Fog

By Neuromend Team on Jun 17, 2021 11:54:56 AM

Two of the most common complaints from patients in the functional medicine space are: Low Energy and Brain Fog. And, with the previous year we have all experienced, along with the extra stressors, most Americans have felt a little of one or the other… or a ton of BOTH.

What is news to most people, is that usually fatigue, brain fog and low energy levels share the same root cause. That is why specific supplements and habits improve both simultaneously.

In this article, we dive into some of the easiest habits and hacks to implement for your mental health in order to boost low energy levels and clear your foggy brain.

Topics: Insider mental health
6 min read

The Relationship Between Mental Health and Inflammation

By Neuromend Team on May 19, 2021 8:02:07 AM

With the mental health space so full of medication and supplement hacks looking to aid neurotransmitter deficiency or excess, most people, unfortunately, overlook the elephant in the room when it comes to mental health longevity and mood: Inflammation.

Topics: Insider treatment resistant depression Ketamine Infusion Center Pain Mitigation mental health Inflammation
6 min read

Gut Health: When Probiotics Aren't Enough (True Story & Real Results)

By Neuromend Team on May 13, 2021 5:47:37 AM

Have you heard that anxiety and depression contribute to people experiencing irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, bloating, diarrhea, or stomach pain? Research suggests a growing body of evidence that it may actually be the other way around! Keep reading to find out more about the connection between your mental health and gut health.

Topics: Insider Ketamine Infusion Center Migraine Headaches gut health
8 min read

Check Out Spravato Reviews From Inspiring, Patient stories!

By Neuromend Team on May 6, 2021 2:05:53 PM

SPRAVATO™ is a prescription medicine, used along with an antidepressant taken by mouth, for adults with treatment-resistant depression (TRD) or depressive symptoms with major depressive disorder (MDD). Keep reading to learn more about Spravatoand patients' success with it.

Topics: Insider Spravato Ketamine Infusion Center
10 min read
Ketamine: A More Comfortable Alternative to Spinal Stimulators

Ketamine infusion therapy, in addition to helping with depression, is becoming a more common treatment for chronic pain, as it is seen as a more...

9 min read
How To Get Ketamine Infusions Covered by Insurance

Are you considering ketamine infusions for mental health treatment or maybe you have already reaped the positive effects from them, but concerned...

6 min read
Brain On Fire: Treating PTSD & TBI with Ketamine

Brain injuries are a serious problem in the United States. Each year, an estimated 2.5 million people suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and...

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