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Is Ketamine Treatment Covered By Health Insurance?

Mar 21, 2022 1:00:00 PM

Ketamine Health Insurance - New - July 2023 (1)

With many patients hearing about the success that Ketamine (through both IV treatments or assisted psychotherapy) is having on Treatment Resistant Depression, suicidal ideations and PTSD, more of them are interested in knowing if their health insurance covers Ketamine treatments. Find out the answers to all your questions surrounding medication assistance, insurance reimbursement, and Ketamine treatments.

“Will I get reimbursed for Ketamine treatment?” 

“What steps do I take within the IV Ketamine treatment reimbursement process?” 

“Does Blue Cross Blue Shield reimburse Ketamine infusions?”

Several questions swirl and circulate, a delicate dance of discernment when considering Ketamine. Fear not, Neuromend brings resolution! Our goal? To guide you through the reimbursement process. Keeping it serene and seamless.

For information regarding Spravato vs Ketamine, click here!

Spravato Health Coverage | NeuroMend

How to Get Your Ketamine Treatment Reimbursed by Health Insurance Companies

Although there is no guarantee that your health insurance will cover the expenses, there are some straightforward steps that can help streamline the process of obtaining reimbursement for your Ketamine Infusions from health insurance companies.

How NeuroMend handles the process:

  1. NeuroMend provides a superbill upon your request.

  2. This superbill itemizes the procedure for insurance companies.

  3. NeuroMend supplies other supporting procedure-related documentation upon necessity from your insurance company.


How To Get Your Ketamine Treatment Reimbursed by insurance

While Ketamine itself is FDA approved, treatment for depression using Ketamine are not. Given this, insurance companies' policies regarding Ketamine are currently in the process of being shaped. The good news is that your case can help shape policies regarding Ketamine Therapy and IV infusions.

One Ketamine patient gives his testimony to this process. Within one phone call, this patient educated his insurance carrier, Blue Cross Blue Shield, about the success he received from Ketamine treatments, contrasted against previous, unsuccessful treatments. His actions resulted in two of his follow-up Ketamine treatments being refunded by BCBS. Yes, it can be that simple! And it should be.

After all, one study indicates that over 20% of drugs in America are used for non-FDA-approved indications (called "off-label use"), at the discretion of the administering physician for such things as depression and anxiety. And Ketamine Infusions fall within this category.


  • Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Aetna
  • Physicians Mutual
  • United Healthcare
  • Humana
  • Medicare
  • Cigna

*Although these insurance companies have approved reimbursement for certain treatments, it is important to note that coverage for your specific treatments is not guaranteed.

How Neuromend Makes Ketamine Reimbursement Easy

What Ketamine Paperwork Will I Need from Neuromend?

  • A superbill.

  • Occasionally, a specific form from your insurance is required to be filled out.

  • Sometimes, additional supporting documentation is requested from your insurance provider.

Within What Time-frame Does Neuromend Process My Ketamine Paperwork?  

  • Virtually none.

  • Upon your request, NeuroMend immediately fills out your paperwork.

  • A few minutes later, you're set to sail.

What Is Neuromend's Typical Cost Per Treatment & Is the Reimbursement Process Actually Seamless?

  • NeuroMend's typical Ketamine Treatment cost is $475.00 per treatment.

  • We strive to make your reimbursement process smooth and seamless.

  • Our NeuroMend team gently eases and advances this process by providing all necessary documentation. 

Do I Process My Ketamine Reimbursement Paperwork or Will Neuromend Do This for Me?

  • We will gladly provide you with your superbill and any required documentation. However, please note that we do not handle the submission of this paperwork to insurance companies.

On occasion, patient follow-up is required. We are happy to help. The below are some of the instances where we an be of assistance:

  • We are not directly involved in coordinating phone calls, but we are more than willing to engage with insurance companies if they reach out to us with any inquiries.

  • Seeking assistance or guidance from NeuroMend if needed within the reimbursement process.

Ready to see if Ketamine can help you?

Contact NeuroMend Infusion Center today!

Disclaimer: As of September 29, 2023, NeuroMend no longer offers Spravato treatments. We apologize for any inconvenience and encourage you to consult with our team or your healthcare provider for alternative options.

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neuromendicon2We are an Evidence-Based Center of Excellence and the leading provider of Ketamine Infusions, IV Infusions and Ketamine Consulting Services for Ketamine Clinics and IV Therapy Clinics.

We Provide Effective Treatment For The Following Conditions: Major Depressive Disorders, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Bipolar Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Chronic Migraines, Severe Anxiety, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Syndrome.

Ask about NAD+ infusions for relief from the multitude of changes associated with age, age-related diseases, PTSD and chronic fatigue.

Learn more about Semaglutide for weight loss. Check out our partner Drip IV who offers Semaglutide in Lafayette and Baton Rouge, LA.

Neuromend Team

Written by Neuromend Team

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