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3 min read

Summer Depression: Sadness When the Sun is Out

By Neuromend Team on Jul 30, 2019 4:11:14 PM

Since setting goals for the new year, you've looked forward to taking steps to implement change and make this year the best yet. Now, midway through the summer, those goals have fallen by the wayside and you're no further on the progression track of life than you were six months to a year ago. This realization can be overwhelming.

How did you fall so far off course when you were so determined such a short period ago?

Topics: Social media and depression treatment resistant depression Spravato esketamine
3 min read

Neuromend Executive Director Brings Awareness To Local Event

By Neuromend Team on Jan 31, 2019 8:42:44 AM


When: Saturday, February 9, 2019 from 10 am to 3 pm

Where: Cajun Harley Davidson in Scott, LA

This year at the Jeep Show and Shine Gumbo Cookoff , Neuromend's own Allen Green will be speaking on the success that their clinic has experienced treating patients with treatment-resistant depression and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) as well as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD).

Not many people have heard of CRPS and RSD, but to those diagnosed with it, they know it and its symptoms all too well.

Topics: Insider Social media and depression
5 min read

4 Reasons You Might Have the Holiday Blues & What You Can Do About It

By Neuromend Team on Nov 29, 2018 1:40:38 PM

It’s the most wonderful time of the year—a season to celebrate with family and friends, filled with the joy of stepping away from our daily routines. But while the holidays bring so much happiness, it’s normal for them to bring a mix of emotions too. Sometimes, the “perfect” holiday idea doesn’t match our reality, and that can be tough.

Topics: Social media and depression treatment resistant depression ketamine infusion therapy for depression
3 min read

Lafayette Native to Speak on Ketamine Therapy at AANA Conference

By Neuromend Team on Nov 7, 2018 5:51:56 PM

Tracy P. Young, CRNA, MBA, MSNA, will be speaking at the AANA (American Association of Nurse Anesthetists) Practice Leadership Assembly this Friday, November 9, 2018 from 12:45 PM to 1:45 PM.

Topics: Social media and depression
3 min read

Study Shows Ketamine May Prove Effective In Treating RA & Fibromyalgia

By Neuromend Team on Oct 29, 2018 1:47:51 PM

RA, the shortened name of rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia have proven to be difficult ailments to treat. Statistics show that roughly 1.5 million Americans suffer from RA, with nearly three-quarter of those suffering being women. RA also increases the risk of developing fibromyalgia.

Topics: Social media and depression treatment resistant depression ketamine infusion therapy for depression
2 min read

Scrolling For Happiness: Does Social Media Use Cause Depression?

By Neuromend Team on Mar 30, 2017 11:38:27 AM

When All Else Fails, Stare at Your Phone...Right!? 

You know that if you would quit smoking, start exercising three days a week, make plans with a friend, keep a gratitude journal, and start eating healthier, you’d be happier, right? You also should “Breathe, and let it go” and know that “Dark days don’t linger for long,” like those Instagram posts tagged #happiness read.

But Then You Feel Worse

There you are, lying in bed, scrolling aimlessly through your phone and wishing you did not need to go to the bathroom because you don’t even have the energy to sit up. You slept 8.5 hours last night, like most nights, yet you don’t feel rested. In fact, you’re exhausted, and there’s zero desire inside of you to get up for class, for work, for breakfast. The new antidepressant your doctor started you on five weeks ago hasn’t made a difference, and you are so sick of changing medications.

Additional reading: SSRIs vs Ketamine Infusions: Everything You Need To Know

So, you continue to scroll through Facebook, looking at pictures of couples smiling, one friend’s weight loss before/after shots, another’s motivational quote for the day, and a shared Bible verse on the importance of having faith. ‘Faith in what!?,’ you ask aloud, and force yourself to roll out of bed, feeling worse about your pathetic life than you did an hour ago.

Topics: Social media and depression treatment resistant depression ketamine infusion therapy for depression
10 min read
Ketamine: A More Comfortable Alternative to Spinal Stimulators

Ketamine infusion therapy, in addition to helping with depression, is becoming a more common treatment for chronic pain, as it is seen as a more...

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How To Get Ketamine Infusions Covered by Insurance

Are you considering ketamine infusions for mental health treatment or maybe you have already reaped the positive effects from them, but concerned...

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Brain On Fire: Treating PTSD & TBI with Ketamine

Brain injuries are a serious problem in the United States. Each year, an estimated 2.5 million people suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and...

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