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Ketamine Takes on Treatment Resistant Depression

Apr 17, 2017 11:21:20 PM

Ketamine Takes on Treatment Resistant Depression

Disclaimer: As of September 29, 2023, NeuroMend no longer offers Spravato treatments. We apologize for any inconvenience and encourage you to consult with our team or your healthcare provider for alternative options.

What Did They Just Say!? 

Ketamine can help with Treatment Resistant Depression?

Measuring Ketamine Infusion Success

“I’m not so despondent about life anymore.”

“I ran this week.”

“I did Easter for the first time in years. I even cooked!”

“I don’t know what changed, but I smile now…and I laugh.”

“I haven’t heard him sing in years.”

“She asked me to make an appointment for her to get her hair dyed. She hasn’t dyed her hair since Christmas 2015.”

These statements have been made by patients and their family members in our ketamine infusion clinic over the past two months.

Consistently, we are seeing significant changes in our patients – in their moods, their affects, their body language, and their HAM-D (Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression) scores. Their family members are reporting the changes they are seeing, and these changes are unbelievable, really.

How Ketamine Relieves Depression ebook | NeuroMend

How Are You Measuring These Changes?

In our work with TRD (treatment resistant depression) patients, we utilize the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D), administering the survey prior to their initial infusion and as scheduled throughout the course of treatment.

The purpose is to monitor patients’ depressive symptoms and levels of functioning in various aspects of their lives – mood, sleep, appetite, level of anxiety, somatic symptoms - to aggregate data, to determine the efficacy of ketamine infusion therapy, and ultimately to improve patient outcomes.

The HAM-D is a 17-item survey, with each item valued at 3-5 points. The higher the total score, the more severe the depression: 
HAM-D scores.jpg

A recent patient whose initial HAM-D score was a 26 revealed a score of 6 only 5 days later, after a series of three infusions.

Another's initial HAM-D score of 28 dropped to a 13 after three infusions. A third patient's HAM-D score, following six infusions, was a 4. These are patients who have battled treatment resistant depression for most of their lives, with little to no relief.

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Ketamine is the Cure-All for My Depression?

No, ketamine infusion therapy is NOT going to cure your depression. What ketamine might do, however, is give you just enough relief that you actually are able to engage in and benefit from therapeutic activities, like counseling, meditation, exercise, and socializing with family and friends.

Such activities not only decrease depressive symptoms but can perhaps increase your intrinsic value and provide you with the tools necessary to manage your depression next time it rears its ugly head.

Spravato is here

NeuroMend Infusion Center is now a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) certified to provide SPRAVATO™ (esketamine) CIII, a nasal spray approved for use in conjunction with an oral antidepressant in adults with treatment-resistant depression (TRD).

People who are currently struggling with major depressive disorder (MDD) may have TRD if they have not responded adequately to at least two different antidepressants of adequate dose and duration in the current depressive episode.2

Ketamine vs. Esketamine

Many patients are finding relief from treatment resistant depression by utilizing Ketamine to improve their symptoms.

Now with the FDA approved form of Ketamine (Spravato or Esketamine) hitting the market, many consumers are curious about the difference between the two.

You are not alone

Millions of folks across the globe suffer with depression, and there are solutions and supportive people available.

Maybe your family and friends do not understand why you can't "shake it off" - also a common struggle of those dealing with depression.

Contact the National Alliance on Mental Illness for support in your area, talk to your healthcare provider, or call us at NeuroMend Infusion Center to learn about our evidence-based treatment options.

Disclaimer: As of September 29, 2023, NeuroMend no longer offers Spravato treatments. We apologize for any inconvenience and encourage you to consult with our team or your healthcare provider for alternative options.

Leading Provider of Ketamine Treatments Free Consult | NeuroMend


neuromendicon2We are an Evidence-Based Center of Excellence and the leading provider of Ketamine Infusions, IV Infusions and Ketamine Consulting Services for Ketamine Clinics and IV Therapy Clinics.

We Provide Effective Treatment For The Following Conditions: Major Depressive Disorders, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Bipolar Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Chronic Migraines, Severe Anxiety, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Syndromes - REMS Certified for Offering Spravato Esketamine

Neuromend Team

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