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6 min read

What It Means To Truly Empower The Patient In Today's Healthcare

By Neuromend Team on Feb 16, 2021 12:30:00 AM

Throughout the history of medicine, the patient has most often been the one that empowers the physician. They empower the surgeons with authority and expertise to conduct their operation. They empower their OBGYN’s with the authority to manage not only their pregnancies but the birth of their children.

Yet, for some reason, patients have fallen into somewhat of a trap.

Perhaps it is due to habit or sheer carelessness, but they have also hopelessly empowered their physicians with the responsibility and care of their self-inflicted chronic disease

Read on to learn more about how patients can learn to own their own destiny in improving or resolving their chronic diseases.

Topics: Ketamine Infusion Center CPRS
4 min read

How Ketamine Relieves Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

By Neuromend Team on Aug 6, 2020 12:24:57 PM

Ketamine is quickly gaining traction from its reputation as a "party drug" to its new found ability to provide relief to those suffering from treatment resistant depression and many facets of chronic pain

Keep reading to discover exactly how Ketamine Infusions are being used to effectively treat those suffering from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).

Topics: Pain Mitigation CPRS
10 min read
Ketamine: A More Comfortable Alternative to Spinal Stimulators

Ketamine infusion therapy, in addition to helping with depression, is becoming a more common treatment for chronic pain, as it is seen as a more...

9 min read
How To Get Ketamine Infusions Covered by Insurance

Are you considering ketamine infusions for mental health treatment or maybe you have already reaped the positive effects from them, but concerned...

6 min read
Brain On Fire: Treating PTSD & TBI with Ketamine

Brain injuries are a serious problem in the United States. Each year, an estimated 2.5 million people suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and...

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